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Business Services

Welcome to the Business Services department!

The Liberty Elementary School District Business Services Department oversees all fiduciary and operations responsibilities for the district. Business Services is comprised of the Business Office, Human Resources, Maintenance & Transportation, Food Services, and Technology Services. Our experienced staff is available to answer your questions and to assist you in any way they can. To reach the appropriate individual for your specific needs, we've included our business office contact information.

Average Teacher Salary Information

  • FY2025 (Budget Year):  $59,638
  • FY2024 (Prior Year):  $58,469
  • Increase of:  $1,169
  • Percentage Increase:  2%

Comments on average salary calculation: All returning teachers are budgeted to receive a 2% increase in compensation for fiscal year 2024-2025. Additionally, all teachers will receive a 2% stipend. The overall average is not reflective of the full increase due to new teachers hired with fewer years of experience than long-tenured teachers retiring from the district.

Financial Transparency

The Liberty Elementary School District is committed to student success and continues to serve as a responsible steward of taxpayer funds.  Liberty Elementary School District spends less on administration and directs more dollars into the classroom than other districts of comparable size. The District's Financial Office has been recognized by both the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) and the Government Finance Officers Association  (GFOA) for Excellence in Financial Reporting.  

Here are several links to our financial reports, so you may see how your tax dollars are being spent towards education:

FY 2023-2024 Public Report on Capital

Certified Annual Financial Report information for the District may also by found at the following website at

Qasmiyar vs. Maricopa County Judgement

The Governing Board of Liberty Elementary School District at a duly called meeting, held on July 31st, 2024, hereby voted in the affirmative by a 5 - 0 vote to "Respectfully Request that the Superintendent of Public Instruction" direct the staff of the Arizona Department of Education for a "recalculation of state aid for our school district as a result of the Qasimyar litigation and judgment and provide the appropriate reimbursement as outlined in A.R.S. 15-915(B)." 

Please click HERE to read the LESD  Qasimyar Memo

Contact Information

Fax Line
(623) 474-6629

Cassie Baker
Accounts Payable Specialist
(623) 474-6616

Maeghan Kinnan
Procurement Specialist  
(623) 474-6611

Lupita Harper
Payroll Specialist
(623) 474-6617

Addison Dunlap
Payroll Specialist Lead
(623) 474-6615

Caitlynn Brune
Grants Manager
(623) 474-6618

Crystal Mosher
(623) 474-6614

Dane Bolden

Executive Director of Business Services
(623) 474-6613

Vendor Information

To register or update your company information for our vendor records, please complete the following information, and return it to our office via fax or email.